Somaliland, along with other regions of the Horn of Africa, has faced devastating droughts over the past four years, decimating entire pastoralist communities. In eastern Somaliland, where wells have run dry, nearly 80% of livestock has perished. This loss has brought the pastoralist way of life—once the core of the region's economy—to the brink of collapse.
Tens of thousands of people, once the proud owners of large herds, are now displaced, living in makeshift camps. With no livestock to tend to, they have become climate refugees, entirely reliant on humanitarian aid for survival. These displaced people, who once roamed the arid landscapes with their animals, now depend on food and water distributions to meet their basic needs.
Somaliland remains primarily a pastoral society, but the repeated droughts and deforestation are forcing many to abandon their nomadic lifestyles. As water sources dwindle, people are being forced to settle in areas where agriculture and water generation are possible. The adaptability required in this new reality means many will remain in one place, no longer able to move with their livestock across the vast desert.
The future of Somaliland’s children has been altered by climate change. No longer growing up in the pastoral tradition, many now face the uncertainty of a displaced childhood. The country’s future is not defined by war, but by a changing climate that forces communities to adapt to an uncertain and increasingly difficult environment. These young ones are growing up as displaced people, marking a tragic shift in the region’s way of life.

Somali children displaced not by war but by climate change. Somaliland and other regions of the Horn of Africa have been severely affected by droughts during the past four years, disseminating entire pastoralist communities. Outskirts of Hargeisa, Somaliland, October 2017

Pastoralists that lost all their livestock to the drought, waiting to get their 2 weekly food distribution. Aynabo district of Saraar region in Somaliland, Somalia, October 2017

Climate refugees that have lost their livestock and who are completely dependent on food distributions. The eastern parts of Somaliland have been severely affected by 4 years of drought where up to 80% of livestock has perished endangering the pastoralist way of subsistance. IDP Camp in Togdheer district of Burao region in the autonomious region of Somaliland, Somalia, October 2017

Wadamago makeshift camp for displaced persons by the drought. The eastern parts of Somaliland have been severely affected by 4 years of drought and up to 80% of livestock has perished endangering the pastoralist way of subsistance. Aynabo district, Somaliland, October 2017

One of the 4,500 displaced persons living near the capital of Somaliland. Ten thousands of pastoralists have lost all their livestock during the past drought and became fully dependent on humanitarian aid for their subsistance. Most have abandon their nomadic way of life and settle in makeshift camps where aid and food can reach them. Hargeisa, October 2017

Climate refugees having lost their livestock and who are completely dependent on food distribution. The eastern parts of Somaliland have been severely affected by 4 years of drought where up to 80% of livestock has perished endangering the pastoralist way of subsistance. Warabeye IDP Camp in Togdheer district of Burao region in the autonomious region of Somaliland, Somalia, October 2017

Desertification process accelerated by 4 years of drought. Togdheer district in eastern Somaliland, October 2017

Water reserves reaching the end. Over 80% of livestock has died in eastern Somaliland due to the lack of rain and a fourth consecutive year of drought. Ten thousands of Somalilanders have been displaced and settled in camps ever since. Togdheer district, Somaliand, October 2017

Deep inside the well retrieving the last drops of water. The eastern regions of Somaliland have been affected by 4 years of severe droughts, disseminating up to 80% of the region's livestock. Togdheer district, Somaliland, October 2017

Fenced off water reserve. After 4 years of severe drought, water is the most valuable commodity. Burao Region in Somaliland, Somalia, October 2017

A Somali climate refugee stranded in a makeshift camp after having lost his livelihood because of the drought. Warabeye IDP camp, Burao Region in Somaliland, October 2017

Livestock being given the litte water left. The Horn of Africa has been affected by 4 years of severe drought, having killed over 80% of livestock in certain regions. Burao region in Somaliland, October 2017

Displaced pastoralists settled near the capital of Somaliland after having lost their livestock and livelihood after recent droughts. Stambul IDP camp, Hargeisa, Somaliland, October 2017

Mosque in a nearly deserted village of Somaliland. Thousands of Somalilanders have sought refuge near the cities after years of drought and the impossibility to survive as pastoralists. Absaaro village in Hargeisa Region, Somalia, October 2017

Aynabo camp for displaced pastoralists. With more than 10,000 IDPs, this is the largest camp for climate refugees in Somalia. Once owners of large livestock reserves, the residents of this camp depend now fully on food and water distributions to survive. Up to 80% of livestock has died because of the persistent drought. Aynabo in Saraar Region, Somaliland, October 2017

A Somali climate refugee stranded in a makeshift camp after having lost their livelihood because of the drought. Burao Region in Somaliland, October 2017

An IDP camp holding 4,500 climate refugees on the outskirts of Hargeisa, Somaliland, October 2017

A Somali pastoralist retrieving the little water left for his surviving goats. Burao Region, Somaliland, October 2017

Somali fishermen going to the market selling their catch. Somaliland remains mainly a pastoralist society, but with persistent droughts more and more people have to seek alternative ways of income. Berbera town, Somaliland, October 2017

Water reserves reaching the end. Over 80% of livestock has died in eastern Somaliland due to the lack of rain and a fourth consecutive year of drought., Togdheer district, Somalia, October 2017

Climate refugees holding their food ration card during one of the two weekly food distributions. Having lost their livelihood due to the drought, these once pastoralists are entirely dependent on food and water distributions to survive. Saraar Region, Somaliland, October 2017

Aynabo camp for displaced pastoralists. With more than 10,000 IDPs, this is the largest camp for climate refugees in Somalia. Aynabo in Saraar Region, Somaliland, October 2017

Cooking with humanitarian food rations distributed to IDPs that have lost their livestock and livelihood due to the drought. Stambul IDP camp for climate refugees near Hargeisa, Somaliland, October 2017

Climate refugees that have lost their livestock and who are completely dependent on food rations. The eastern parts of Somaliland have been severely affected by 4 years of drought where up to 80% of livestock has perished, endangering the pastoralist way of subsistance. Warabeye IDP Camp in Togdheer district in the autonomious region of Somaliland, Somalia, October 2017

A food distribution site near Wadamago camp for displaced persons due to the drought affecting the Horn of Africa, Saraar Region in eastern Somaliland, October 2017

Climate refugees that lost all their livestock to the drought, waiting to get their 2 weekly food distribution. Wadamago IDP camp, Aynabo district of Saraar region in Somaliland, October 2017

Aynabo camp for displaced pastoralists. With more than 10,000 IDPs, this is the largest camp for climate refugees in Somalia. Eastern Somaliland has been severely affected by consecutive droughts for the past 4 years and up to 80% of livestock has died, including camels. Aynabo in Saraar Region, Somaliland, October 2017

A Somaliland teenage girl stranded in a makeshift camp for climate refugees who lost their livestock because of the drought. Warabeye, Burao Region in Somaliland, October 2017

Charcoal seller. Charcoal is the main fuel used for cooking in Somaliland, but has a desastrous environmental impact, accelerating the already very advanced deforastation. Hargeisa, Somaliland, October 2017

Burned trees for the production of charcoal. This flourishing business has a desastrous environmental impact, accelerating the already very advanced deforastation and further endangering pastoralism. Abaarso village in Hargeisa Region, Somaliland, October 2017

Displaced pastoralists settled near the capital of Somaliland after having lost their livestock and livelyhood after 4 years of severe drought. Abaarso village, Somaliland, October 2017

One of the 560 household of pastoralists living near the capital of Somaliland in makeshift IDP camps. Ten thousands of pastoralists have lost all their livestock during the past drought and became fully dependent on humanitarian aid for their subsistance. Most have abandon their nomadic way of life and settle in makeshift camps where aid can reach them. Hargeisa, October 2017

An IDP camp holding 4,500 climate refugees on the outskirts of Hargeisa, Somaliland, October 2017

Empty water reserves. Over 80% of livestock has died in eastern Somaliland due to the lack of rain and a fourth consecutive year of drought. Ten thousands of Somalilanders have been displaced and settled in camps ever since. Abaarso village, Somaliand, October 2017

Climate refugees that lost all their livestock to the drought, waiting to get their 2 weekly food distribution. Wadamago IDP camp, Aynabo district of Saraar region in Somaliland, October 2017

Displaced pastoralist settled near the capital of Somaliland after having lost their livestock and livelihood after 4 years of severe drought. Stambul IDP camp, Hargeisa, Somaliland, October 2017