The sacred land of Israel and Palestine is marked by deep segregation and tension. Palestinians face severe restrictions on movement due to Israeli checkpoints, the separation barrier, and strict permit systems. In the West Bank, Israeli settlements expand while Palestinians encounter limited access to resources, restricted rights, and military oversight. Gaza remains under a blockade, exacerbating humanitarian crises. Jerusalem, sacred to Jews, Muslims, and Christians, symbolizes the divide, with contested sovereignty and segregated communities. Despite shared history and cultural ties, the region remains deeply polarized, with Palestinians enduring systemic challenges to their freedom, rights, and self-determination.

Ultra-Orthodox neighbourhood of Jerusalem, Israel, July 2013

Jerusalem, November 2013

Western Wall, Jerusalem, July 2013

Jerusalem old city, July 2013

Ziqim, last beach before the sealed-off Gaza Strip, Israel, July 2013

Nablus, West Bank, Palestine, July 2013

Nablus, Palestine, November 2013

Old City of Nablus, Palestine, November 2013

Old City, November 2013

Palestinian city of Nablus, West Bank, November 2013

Narrow alleys in the Old City, Jerusalem, November 2013

Palestinian woman in the Old City of Jerusalem, November 2013

Palestinian residents of Hebron in the southern West Bank, Palestine, November 2013

Ultra-Orthodox neighbourhood of Me'A She'Arim in Jerusalem, Israel, May 2014

Palestinian children in Hebron, Palestine, November 2013

Hebron, November 2013

Nur Shams Refugee Camp near Tulkarem, West Bank, May 2014

Old City of Jerusalem, May 2014

Dheisheh Refugee Camp near Bethlehem, Palestine, May 2014

Me'A She'Arim neighbourhood, Jerusalem, May 2014

Me'A She'Arim neighbourhood is populated mainly by Haredi Jews rejecting modern secular culture. Jerusalem, Israel, May 2014

Ultra Othodox Neighbourhood of Me'A She'Arim in Jerusalem, Israel, May 2014

Wailing wall, Jerusalem, May 2014

Shu'afat Refugee Camp in East Jerusalem, May 2014

Ultra Othodox Neighbourhood of Me'A She'Arim in Jerusalem, Israel, May 2014